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Discover Sardinia

In this page you will find some useful links to all the necessary information about services, marvellous Sardinian food and exquisite wine cultural events, sport and music events amongest the other. We hope you’ll enjoy it and find interesting to organize your next trip to beautiful Sardinia

Sardinian Music

Hits: 26

Tenores di Bitti

Masterpieces of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity

Hits: 29

Cordas et Cannas

Traditional Sardinian Musicians

Hits: 12

MondoSardegna Online Services

Listen to the ancient Sardinian Music

Hits: 15

Tenore Barbaricino

Barbagia region rural poliphonic chanting

Hits: 15

Traditional instruments

The enchanting sounds of the launeddas, harmonica and ancients instruments

Hits: 11

Time in Jazz

Paolo Fresu and his international jazz festival in Berchidda

Hits: 6

Lu Scottisi, Gallura region dancing

The most popular folk dancing in the Gallura region
